What Tomorrow? A Day in the Life of an Arab Woman
Lecture by Huda Zurayk, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, American University of Beirut
Public health research in Arab countries is growing and is providing critical knowledge despite tremendous political and social disturbances in the region, some recent and some stretching back for decades. Building on her research experience, Huda Zurayk will analyze how Arab women are managing to cope with their lives, their health, and the survival of their families in the midst of uncertainty, conflict, and resilience. Her research—and its translation to policy and practice—contributes to interventions that use multiple strategies to reach women of varied experiences whose overwhelming daily question is: What tomorrow?
The Rama S. Mehta Lecture at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study was established by Catherine Atwater Galbraith, John Kenneth Galbraith, and the Mehta family, in memory of Rama S. Mehta. To deliver this lecture, Radcliffe invites a distinguished woman in public affairs, the sciences, or the arts who has a deep understanding of the problems of women in developing countries.