Fellowship / Fellows

Tatiana Toro

  • 2001–2002
  • Mathematics
  • University of Washington
Tatiana Toro

This information is accurate as of the fellowship year indicated for each fellow.

Tatiana Toro’s mathematical interests lie in the general area of analysis. She has been studying the geometric and analytic structure of different mathematical models for interfaces—often cast as free boundary problems. The free boundary may appear as the interface between a fluid and air or water and ice. The techniques used to address these problems come from geometric measure theory and partial differential equations, which fit naturally into a long-term project aimed at establishing that weak notions of regularity are for many purposes sufficient to answer basic questions in analysis and geometry. Toro, who was the University of Washington site director for the Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences, will study these questions during her fellowship.

Toro earned her BS in mathematics from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, and her MS and PhD in mathematics from Stanford University. She was a recipient of a research fellowship from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and a mathematical sciences postdoctoral research fellowship from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Toro was a member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University and a member of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, California. Since 1997, her research has been partially supported by the NSF.

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