Events & exhibitions
event • Fellows' Presentation

Intimate Inequalities

  • Wednesday, March 22, 2023
    12 PM ET
  • Online on Zoom
Portrait of Brodwyn Fischer
Photo courtesy of Brodwyn Fischer

A presentation from 2022–2023 Frieda L. Miller Fellow Brodwyn Fischer

Fischer is a historian of inequality and its persistence. She specializes in the study of Brazil and Latin America, focusing on informality, cities, citizenship, law, migration, race, slavery, and its afterlives. In this talk about her book-in-progress, she takes us on a journey through the everyday archives of Recife, Brazil—a city that has existed across its 500-year history as a bastion of patriarchal slavery, a laboratory for informal urbanism, and a cradle for some of Brazil’s most innovative political and social movements. Through this unorthodox urban ramble, Fischer explains what Recife’s tangled history can teach us about the role of informal, relational power in perpetuating the racial and social inequalities entrenched by slavery and other forms of systemic subjugation. 

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