Voting Matters: Gender, Citizenship, and the Long 19th Amendment

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2020 Visions

This concluding sessions asks a variety of experts to briefly unfold a single “big idea” that captures the significance of the 19th Amendment for voting rights, citizenship, and democracy today.

More about 2020 Visions

New Blocs, New Maps, New Power (ca. 1982)

This panel draws together the ideas and growing influence of conservative women, the political activism of gay communities, and the mobilization of Latinx constituencies in the ongoing struggle over votes.

More about New Blocs, New Maps, New Power (ca. 1982)

On Account of Race (1965)

This roundtable conversation looks at the relationships among the Reconstruction Amendments, the 19th Amendment, the VRA, and the INA.

More about On Account of Race (1965)

On Account of Sex (1920)

This “big ideas” session brings together diverse participants who will each illuminate one facet of women’s political history in relation to the passage of the 19th amendment. 

More about On Account of Sex (1920)

Reconstructing the Polity (1870)

This panel will use gender as a lens to understand the cross-cutting trends of enfranchisement and disenfranchisement that came together in the wake of the Civil War.

More about Reconstructing the Polity (1870)

Origin Stories: Keynote Address (1848)

Our series Voting Matters: Gender, Citizenship, and the Long 19th Amendment begins with a keynote address by the historian Martha S. Jones who explores the intersection of gender and race in the battle for the ballot.

More about Origin Stories: Keynote Address (1848)