“Are You Listening: Black High School Girls,” Produced by Martha Stuart
Martha Stuart was a producer, reporter, writer, photographer, and founder of Martha Stuart Communications, an independent production company.
After moving to New York in 1963, Stuart began to produce a show titled “Are You Listening,” which featured, in her words, "people who are endlessly talked about and rarely listened to." With “Are You Listening,” Stuart brought together groups of people who had a particular experience in common, and encouraged them to speak openly and candidly with each other in order to exchange their perspectives and experiences.
In this 1968 episode of "Are You Listening: Black High School Girls," young women from South Bend, Indiana—who participated in an Upward Bound program at Saint Mary's College—talk about school, violence, parents, race, and role models.
View video of "Are You Listening: Black High School Girls” (1968)
Please note: The video opens with a loud test tone. The content begins at 1:35.
For research tips and additional resources, view the Hear Black Women's Voices research guide.