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event • Radcliffe Day

Radcliffe Day 2016

  • Friday, May 27, 2016
    10:30 AM ET
  • Radcliffe Yard
    10 Garden Street
    Cambridge, MA 02138
Janet Yellen receiving her medal at Radcliffe Day 2016.
Photo by Tony Rinaldo

On Radcliffe Day, we celebrate our commitment—in the past, present, and future—to excellence and inquiry. 

On Friday, May 27, 2016, the Institute will honor Janet L. Yellen, chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, with the Radcliffe Medal, presented annually to an individual who has had a transformative impact on society.

The Radcliffe Day lunch in Radcliffe Yard will feature personal reflections from Ben S. Bernanke ’75, a distinguished fellow in residence in the economic studies program at the Brookings Institution and the former chair of the Federal Reserve, after which Gregory Mankiw, the Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics at Harvard University, will engage Yellen in conversation about her groundbreaking achievements.

Radcliffe Day is both a celebration and an opportunity for intellectual exploration.  

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The day begins with a morning panel, “Building an Economy for Prosperity and Equality,” moderated by

Cecilia Rouse ’86, PhD ’92, dean, Lawrence and Shirley Katzman and Lewis and Anna Ernst Professor in the Economics of Education, and professor of economics and public affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University. She will engage the following panelists in discussion:

  • David Autor AM '94, PhD ’99, professor, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Douglas W. Elmendorf AM '85, PhD ’89, dean and Don K. Price Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School
  • Claudia Goldin RI ’06, Henry Lee Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Harvard University; director, Development of the American Economy Program, National Bureau of Economic Research
  • Louise Sheiner ’82, AM '89, PhD ’93, senior fellow in economic studies and policy director for the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy, the Brookings Institution

Hundreds of people convene in Radcliffe Yard, joined by countless more online. Alumnae/i of Radcliffe College, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard College, and the broader University community and friends of the Institute gather for the morning panel and the honoree lunch, drawn together by their shared dedication to ideas at work in the world.

10:30 AM
Panel discussion: “Building an Economy for Prosperity and Equality” 

12:30 PM
Lunch reflections by Ben Bernanke, conversation with Gregory Mankiw and Janet Yellen, and presentation of Radcliffe Medal

Event Videos

Panel at Radcliffe Day 2016.

Building an Economy for Prosperity and Equality

Janet Yellen receiving her medal at Radcliffe Day 2016.

A Conversation with Janet Yellen

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