Opportunities for Students

Radcliffe Engaged Student Grant Program

Youth Leadership Focus Area
The Youth Leadership Focus Area is ground-ed in research demonstrating that the cultivation of civic engagement, problem solving, and leadership among young people is critical to a healthy democratic society. This area of work also reflects Radcliffe College’s history as an institution that educated and provided critical support to generations of young scholars and leaders.

The Radcliffe Engaged Student Grant Program provides $1,500 stipends per project to support the research, creative, and service work of Harvard undergraduate and graduate students on topics related to Radcliffe's areas of special interest.

This year’s focus areas include

  1. Climate change, with a particular interest in climate justice; and
  2. Academic freedom and connecting across difference.

Proposed projects can explore academic research, creative pursuits (such as those using art, writing, or multimedia), or the design of an original service project. Service projects must be grounded in research and include a critical analysis of the work to be undertaken. Students may submit applications as individuals or groups; however, we can accept only one application per project.

Grant recipients will join a student cohort and receive mentoring and support from Radcliffe staff and from each other. Cohort meetings will occur on a regular basis during the summer of 2024.

How to Apply

We are not currently accepting applications. Please check back in August for the term-time application cycle of the program.

Questions? Please contact Don Tontiplaphol at don_tontiplaphol@radcliffe.harvard.edu.

Proposals must include a concept note of no more than 750 words outlining the full rationale behind your project proposal, including:  

  • the project’s purpose (including the work it entails, a detailed plan of action, and anticipated outcomes);
  • a clear description of how your project relates to (1) climate change or (2) academic freedom and connecting across difference; and
  • how the grant of $1,500 would support your project.

Requests for funds to be used for travel or travel-related expenses will be considered on a case-by-case basis in accordance with University guidelines

Program Details

Any currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate student at Harvard is eligible to apply. Students on leaves of absence are not eligible. Previous grant recipients are eligible to apply, but priority may be reserved for new applicants/projects.

All summer-cycle projects must be completed by the end of September; all term-time projects must be completed by the end of May. 

Proposals can be part of larger, ongoing projects or build on previous work, but should have discrete anticipated outcomes and action plans for the relevant cycle. 

Grant recipients will be required to submit a brief final report on their project. They will also be asked whether they would be willing to present their project (at a public event, to the selection committee, or in another setting, as appropriate).

Requests for funds to be used for travel or travel-related expenses will be considered on a case-by-case basis in accordance with University guidelines

Funds will be awarded directly to students and may not be transferred to other departments or organizations.

Yes, you may apply to multiple funding programs at the same time. However, a single project can only be funded by one grant program at a time.

Requests for funds to be used for travel or travel-related expenses will be considered on a case-by-case basis in accordance with University guidelines. Approval for travel is subject to change, should public health and University guidelines change. 

Students whose projects involve travel must submit their Attestation of Full Vaccination Against COVID-19 Prior to Harvard-Related Travel with their project proposal. Students will also be expected to have completed all COVID-19 travel requirements in accordance with University policies

We encourage interested students to visit Harvard’s Committee on the Use of Human Subjects website for detailed information. Undergraduates may also refer to the Undergraduate Research Training Program (URTP), a comprehensive platform to assist and create better prepared undergraduate researchers.  

Students are responsible for obtaining appropriate approval for Human Subjects Research, if applicable. Students whose projects involve Human Subjects Research must submit proof of either IRB submission for approval or full IRB approval with their project proposal. Aspects of the proposal that involve Human Subjects may not proceed until IRB approval has been granted and submitted to Radcliffe. 

Students are welcome to apply for funding to support a new project, regardless of prior funding decisions. Students may also apply for funding to support the same project more than once. However, approval is not guaranteed; and priority may be reserved for new applicants/projects.